Wedding Music Articles


Wedding Dance Songs

Shown here are the most popular Wedding Dance Songs. Your first wedding dance song together as a newlywed is a


Wedding Bands Melbourne

Are you looking for a band for your wedding in Melbourne? Entertainment Now has a wide range of bands who perform


Feature Wedding Ceremony Songs

The following chart represents some popular Feature Wedding Ceremony Songs. These are the musical interludes to enhance the ceremony with


First Dance Wedding Songs

It’s worth spending time to choose the right song for your first wedding dance as husband and wife. Here are


Garden Wedding Ceremony Songs

Here’s some popular garden wedding ceremony songs. These songs are suitable for a live performance or played on audio equipment.


Recessional Wedding Ceremony Songs

Following chart represents the most popular recessional wedding ceremony songs. This is the music to be played after couple is


Cake Cutting Wedding Songs

Cutting your wedding cake is a photo favourite with guests. They always seem to get excited about this one. So


Classical Wedding Ceremony Music

Following list features some of the most popular Classical Wedding Ceremony Music. Some churches only permit classical music for wedding

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